WRCR/Rockford College Radio - Lost People
These names have appeared on WRCR staff lists, program schedules, newspaper articles, yearbook articles
and other sources, but we've not been able to locate a Postal or email address for them. If you have any leads,
or find your own name, please email: webmaster@wrcr.radiohistory.net
Thanks for your help.
"not on system" means not in the college database
"lost" or "lost since" means the last known address has failed
the year shown at the end of some lines is the approximate class year
Dave Adams - 1967 not on college's system
John Alms
Lucinda Alston (now Chapman) '67
John Anderson
Kurt Anderson - not on college's system
Dianna Archer
Bruce Armstrong
Judy Austin - 1969
Steve Bahr -1980
Harold Bailey -1986
Jill Barnhart - 1988
Brian Barton - 1965 - not on college's system
Mark Beakey
Dave Beckman - 1970 - lost since 1994
Dave Belknap - 1965
Al Benneian 1980
Bill Bird - 1978 - lost since 1996
Janet Block - 1969
Bob Bourke
Brenton Brown - not on college's system
Stan Burg - 1970 not on college's system
Tonya Campbell 1988
Nancy Carroll Jaris 1988
Susie Dean
Jim DeVuono
Keith Doering - 1981
Doug Driggs - not on college's system
Joel Dwyer
Christi Ebert - 1972 - not on college's system
Mary Kay Erhart
Lynn Farber
Owen Ferguson - mid 1960s
Chip Fisher - not on college's system
Jim Fisher - 1988
Alan Foss
Manny Frank
W Gensier
Laura Godfrey (now Stelter) -1985
Mike Griese
Dann Grindeman - 1980
Dawn Elaine Griswold - 1982
Mark Grossman
Joe Gsell - 1965
Victoria Gurley - 1993 not on system
Chuck Hagelstein - not on college's system
Jim Hammerslag
Lewis Harris - 1989 not on system
Jay Hart
Rich Hawkins
Shawn Hayward - 1986
Tracy Heckman
Toby Heidtman
Steve Hirsch - 1971
Susie Hohmann - 1978
Eric Houser - 1987
Paul Jennings - 1976
Art Johnson - not on college's system
Tom Johnson - 1968
Dave Julin - 1975
Mike Klein-1985, lost, added to missing list July 2005
Mike Kosmala
Bill Kostur - 1970, lost since 2000
Bill Lonsdale - 1969
Ellen Mahoney - 1973
Phil Maione - 1986
Jim Martine - 1984
Candy McAdams-1976
Colin McGroarty
Steve McFadden - 1965
Brian McLaughlin - not on college's system
Angie McMasters - 1976
Tim Monahan
Michelle Muller - 1982
Jessie Mullins
Ed Nettles
Jay Novak - 1967
Jay Novet - 1973
Pat O'Leary - 1967 - not on college's system
Mark Ostaszewski- 1986
Eric Ottens
Kenneth Palmer - advisor in 1963
Heather Paulsen - 1983
Pete Peterson - 1969 - not on college's system
Mike Postulka (spelling?)
Adnan Raja - not on college's system
Nayna Ramey - 1978
Jim Reed
Jim Reinier
Jamie Rogers (Adamany)
Guy Romano, advisor
Nicholas Sahaguian - not on college's system
Rick Sawyer - 1968
Chip Schamp - 1965 - lost in 2000
Steve Schindhelm
Roxy Sergott - 1983
Liz Shrode - 1978
Keith Sibert - not on college's system
Sherry Siefert - 1986
John Small - 1968 - lost in 1995
Keith Sobbe
Jay Stiteley
Mark Taylor - 1974
Mike Tellison - 1978
Dr. George Thompson, advisor
Ray Tiel
- 1984
Craig Trissila -1986
Pam Walton - 1967
Ed Washington - 1964
Mike Westbrook - 1990
Tom Williams - mid 1960s
Justin Wilmot - 1995
David C Wilson - 1992
John Woodhouse - 1963
Shelley Wormer - 1996 - lost
Doug Wussler
Bob Zimmerman