WRCR/Rockford College Radio Audio - Promos
In 1973 WRCR used a home built automation system to stay We have four promos for the Glen Moss Show. These date from 1968. They are voiced by an announcer for radio station WRSV in Skokie, IL where Glen had done some part-time work. Here's a Mike Porcaro voiced promo for the Jim Buchman Show. Extra credit if you can name the obscure group or song used at the end of the promo. [The answer is on the The Lillian Roxon Program was syndicated to college stations. (127k) WRCR station ID voiced by In 1971 WRCR published a A Mike Porcaro promo for the play "Bernardo Alba" from March of 1968. :56 (885k)
WRCR home-built automation Oldies were something new in the late 1960s. Here's Jim Buchman promoting oldies on WRCR from 1969. (1 meg) In the early years, WRCR had programs featuring Broadway show. This is Ned Cohen open and close Another one from Mike Porcaro suggested by the hit movie "The Graduate" :36 (574k) Bill Bird does a promo for the Really Rotten Radio Review Another promo for the Really Rotten Radio Review